6/28/23 UPDATE
The grassroots bridge barrier advocacy team met with the DC Dept of Transportation Bridge Team in late May. Through meetings with stakeholders over the past month, DDOT has been reviewing concept designs for the bridge barrier to narrow down what would be feasible. A public forum is expected in the near future, where the community can give input.
3/23/23 UPDATE
Members of our advocacy team met with DDOT in early March to receive an update on the progress of the bridge barrier design phase. DDOT is working diligently and is two months ahead of schedule. The have signed on a contractor and held their kick-off meeting with relevant stakeholders the week of March 13th. Although money for the design phase has already been reallocate, we are still advocating for money to enter the construction phase of the barrier as soon as the design has been determined.
12/04/22 UPDATE
In anticipation of the public hearings happening in January for the budget, we are meeting with Councilmembers to discuss the barrier and asking for their public endorsement.
11/25/22 UPDATE
Whew, November went by fast- our meeting with DDOT, earlier in the month, was very encouraging. Throughout this entire effort, no one has ever said they support the barrier, just that they are “not opposed” aka they wouldn’t do anything to stop it but they also aren’t going to be the voice in power we need. Until now, that is. Matthew Marcou expressed support for installing the barrier, asking us for more information on design.
We also had our first advocacy team meeting, which will serve to coordinate and make more effective our efforts leading up to the release of the budget in February. Stay tuned for more info on attending the public hearings to voice your support for saving lives!
10/31/22 UPDATE
Meeting with DDOT’s bridge team, in charge of assessing all bridges in DC for safety, tomorrow!
10/18/22 UPDATE
Met with my future Councilmember, Matt Frumin, yesterday. He is ready to show his support! Brooke Pinto (Ward 2) is next on the list to get on board with saving lives.
10/3/22 UPDATE
It’s been a minute, fam. Mayor has asked DDOT to assess all bridges for safety- I am repeatedly told this could mean anything and not to get my hopes up. This fight is far from over and saving lives is far from a done deal. Mendelson called me a week or so ago to make it clear that he wasn’t trying to be unfeeling/indifferent in the live FB session where we first interacted and he said the barrier was not a Council matter and he/the Council were staying out of it. I spent an hour debating with Mendelson as to why this is absolutely a Council matter and trying to convince him to put it in the budget, himself, which he can absolutely do. He made it clear the barrier isn’t worth it to him to do himself, but I’m not going away, so maybe we can change his mind.
We have a meeting with Matt Frumin, next week. He said he would help fight for this barrier when he was running in the primaries for Ward 3 Councilmember, but has since said he wants to wait and see what other councilmembers do. My understanding is if he wins and then doesn’t take up the charge in advocating for a barrier in his own ward, none of the other CMs will be doing much of anything.
Also currently trying to schedule a meeting with DDOT to discuss what “assessing all bridges for safety” means. I can’t imagine that if they even implemented a barrier on one bridge, it wouldn’t be the Taft, since it is the most utilized for suicide and suicide attempts in the District.
Printed more stickers, stickering more places.
9/16/22 UPDATE
The DC Preservation League, which actively blocked and went to court of the barriers on both bridges in the 80s, is in support of this barrier! THIS IS HUGE is “not opposed to” this barrier. Still pretty big. Meeting with Chairman Phil Mendelson’s staff on Monday. Trying to catch up with the Mayor at one of her event appearances, this weekend.
9/15/22 UPDATE
Meeting with Chairman Phil Mendelson’s staff early next week. Now *just* need to track down the Mayor.
9/12/22 UPDATE
Phil Mendelson was a big part of why the Taft Bridge didn’t receive a barrier in the 80s. He is also the Chair of the DC City Council, now plays an even bigger role in my ability to get the barrier implemented, and my understanding is he is still vehemently opposed. Phil is holding an open forum, tonight at 5 pm EST. I’m not sure what to expect, but I’ve sent him a question asking his views on bridge barriers. I’m confident he already knows about Peter and my push for the Taft. Please join in support.

9/8/22 UPDATE
ANC1C Passed the resolution! Onward and upward to the DC City Council and then the Mayor. This is where the battle really begins. The pushback from DC historical societies is what stopped this life-saving measure from being implemented on the Taft Bridge back in the mid-1980s, after the Ellington Bridge had its barrier installed. Getting the Council to pass this may take years, but just like grief, it will take however long it takes.

9/6/22 UPDATE
ANC1C (Adams Morgan & surrounding neighborhoods) will be considering to adopt their own resolution at the full ANC1C meeting tomorrow- Wednesday, September 7th.
Join on Zoom App or via Web – https://bit.ly/ANC1C-MonthlyMeeting or https://streetjustice-news.zoom.us/j/83619324216?pwd=ZkFqYmwvYURXT0VTdXAyWUd6b0d2QT09
Meeting ID – 836 1932 4216
Passcode – 680920
Call-in – 301-715-8592
On Phone: STAR-9 to raise hand; STAR-6 to unmute
Livestream w/o Participation – https://youtu.be/dW5FnUaatWk
7/20/22 UPDATE
Resolution passed for consideration by ANC1C (Adams Morgan & surrounding neighborhoods) at Planning, Zoning, and Transportation Committee meeting. Resolution will be considered to be adopted at the full ANC1C meeting on September 7th.
Currently working on media outreach and asking every campaigner asking if I have a “moment to spare for [insert cause here]” if they have a moment to spare to talk about suicide prevention 😂
6/22/22 UPDATE
The resolution was adopted by Advisory Neighborhood Committee (ANC) 3C (Woodley Park), unanimously! Next steps are sending it up the ladder to the DC Mayor, DDOT, and others, and getting the media’s eyes on this important issue.
What’s a resolution? Resolutions are statements reflecting an official consensus within the community. They are given special consideration by the DC City Council. Resolutions are effective after only one reading of the Council and do not require mayoral or congressional review.
Please sign our pledge of support for the Taft Bridge barrier. (Note: archived document).